Honorable John D’Amico
John D’Amico, Jr., a retired Judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, Judge D’Amico has a long history of environmental advocacy. As a Monmouth County Freeholder, he initiated Monmouth County’s “Greenbelt” program for the preservation of open space and the protection of drinking water, issues which he continues to address in his work with NY/NJ Baykeeper.
During his tenure as a New Jersey state senator, D’Amico sponsored several key environmental bills, including a Green Acres Bond Act and the Clean Water Enforcement Act. In 1989 he sponsored, and the voters approved, a $50 million Stormwater Management and Combined Sewer Outflow (CSO) Abatement Bond issue to provide grants and low-interest loans to local governments.
While on the bench Judge D’Amico developed the Expedited Jury Trial, a streamlined procedure that saves litigants time and money by way of speedier jury selection, limited live testimony, use of expert reports, and time limits for opening and closing arguments. Other states have emulated the procedures. D’Amico has also published several opinions and articles and is the recipient of the 2016 New Jersey Law Journal Lifetime Achievement Award for his career in public service.
D’Amico, who also serves as a trustee of the Friends of the Monmouth County Parks, resides in Oceanport with his wife Sandra.