Regina Appolon
Regina Appolon is a Strategic Advisor with Princeton Public Affairs Group, Inc. Prior to her current role, Appolon served as Chief of Staff to Assemblywoman Angela V. McKnight representing the 31st Legislative District which includes parts of Jersey City and Bayonne. Assemblywoman McKnight is a prime sponsor of the “Liberty State Park Protection Act”, which Appolon has worked directly on. She also serves as Executive Director of the Union County Young Democrats.
Appolon was Legislative Director to former Assemblyman John S. Wisniewski, Chair of the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee, member of the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee, and co-chair of the New Jersey Legislative Select Committee on Investigations; the joint legislative committee investigating what is now called “Bridgegate.”
Appolon has an extensive knowledge of New Jersey politics; focusing her career on a broad range of legislative issues including environmental and social justice issues that include access to clean water, protection of open space and public access at Liberty State Park.