Our Fight for Clean Soil
Soil Safe

Several years ago, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has approved permits to for Soil Safe, a Maryland company, to import 1.5 million tons of contaminated soil and pile it up to 29 feet in a flood plain along the Rahway River in Carteret, NJ. NY/NJ Baykeeper has appealed the state permits issued for this project and litigation is proceeding.
Key concerns include:
-The project will remove 90 acres of flood plain in an area that already has severe flooding problems. Communities along the river have asked DEP to do a professional evaluation of flood impacts and their requests have been ignored.
-Internal DEP engineer reviews of the project warn that the cap will likely collapse into the river and surrounding wetlands. They also question the logic of introducing new contaminants to the property as a way to “clean it up.” All DEP staff concerns about the project are being overridden by the Governor’s top staff.
-The company has a history of violations in New Jersey at their other sites.
-The project has numerous political connections. Governor Christie is ignoring flooding and toxic pollution problems to make political allies happy.
NY Senator Schumer and Staten Island officials have already denounced the Rahway Arch project. It’s time New Jersey does too!!
Read more:
NY/NJ Baykeeper V. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection